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Acoustic Levitation



  • Yes, they are concrete BUT, I understand Ed made his own from leftover quarry rubble. That's an interesting theory. I am very interested in learning more about sound because of all this of course but also, the Tibetan stone movers, and I have a pretty considerable education in Chinese martial arts and there are exercises designed to increase chi in the body (among other things) that are often learned just physically but are learned, or I should say taught correctly, using what would seem to an onlooker, as very strange sounds made during them.

    Interesting that the Roman acoustic traps were made of limestone

    Can you point to somewhere good online to begin learning about (I think you called it cymantics)?

    I think you're right about "going live", sadly, we will be moving out of Florida in the very near future and so I've got no time to start digging for coral out back :)
  • That's interesting about Tibetan stone movers, I hear stories about monks in groups sing or hum to stone and water.

    Unfortunately I do not know of any complete sites on cymatics. I have a few books by Hans Jenny which are interesting. Many sites have pictures for example but not the cps or hz next to them. In the end I think I will need to experiment with sound using equipment( tonoscope, fork etc. )

    I might be able to find Oolite Limestone where I am, time will tell
  • Here is a link that I find interesting regarding the Great Pyramid
    Perhaps some of the Egyptian symbols are Cymatic frequencies, representing us, and nature alike

    Are there any places at Rock Gate that give you a weird sensation? Or perhaps a song or a hymn is required to resonate at Eds Place. More research.
  • Dante,

    I return somewhat educated...fascinating subject! If I were a betting man, I'd have to put my money on Ed's insistence on the north and South Pole individual magnets being the cosmic force and so, they are at the root of this.

    I cannot remember the researchers name but I'm sure you do. He did cymatic experiments in the Kings chamber of the great pyramid and theorized that past experiences were imbedded in he pyramid itself. To someone "uninitiated" this would certainly sound like jibberish but if you are taking Ed's ideas into account they begin to make sense.

    Now, I've run into a lot of high frequency experiments using various sound equipment but after watching people use the Eidiphone (?), I immediately thought of Ed "singing to the stones". After seeing some of the patterns, I think it's reasonable to theorize that the "correct" sound is the one that creates a specific pattern....and I think it needs to be a natural sound or tone that creates it, not a machine. So, after our move in a month or so, I plan to experiment with the ultimate goal of finding the sound that creates yin yang symbol...and along the way maybe something else might pop up.
  • I know you are right about that flem, there isn't a doubt in my mind about it.

    I have heard about that before, I would have to look up the individuals name. There has been speculation about limestone, or rock containing memories and sound. I believe in that. In myth and folklore there are references to singing to the stones, one tradition claims that the great pyramid was sung into place. Perhaps inside Rock Gate one would have to sing or hymn to certain stones.

    The om symbol(picture) of the primordial vibration. I think you are already familiar with om. It is sung in C sharp, and corresponds to the 32nd octave of the earth year. 136hz tuning fork can produce a similar sound. I need to look at EDs pictures again, because im sure he had the symbol pasted on his forehead in one of the versions of ABIEH

    In this day and age, you would have to find a quiet room or area. There are a lot of manmade frequencies and signals floating around, which drown out the lower natural ones.
  • edited October 2015
    3d accoustic levitation and position manipulation, using acoustic standing waves.

    Check this out:

  • How does one create a standing magnetic/electric wave?
    That might have some interesting results...
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